Thinking of creating a website for your business? Then, the HTTPS protocol can be the best alternative for your website, as it is characterized by providing greater data security , which guarantees the privacy of your users’ information, generating as value, greater confidence to navigate your page.

As the RedesZone page points out in its note “Discover how HTTPS works with this infographic”, through the following comment:

“Today security when browsing websites has become a priority for everyone, and thanks to the use of the HTTPS protocol, which is the secure protocol of HTTP, we can browse the Internet with point-to-point encryption. period, all traffic from our web browser to the web server will be encrypted and authenticated ”.

Do you want to know more about what this communication protocol is about and how it favors your website? So, keep reading the note and find out all the details so that you can have a secure website !

What is the HTTPS protocol?

Still not sure what HTTPS is? Surely, you have noticed that HTTPS appears in the front of some URLs, but what is that really? Does it have any function? Basically, it is a secure hypertext transfer protocol that is used to verify the legitimacy of the site and protect the information.

In other words, we can define the HTTPS protocol as the one in charge of encrypting the information that is stored or circulated on certain websites, with the aim that it cannot be spied on, stolen or hacked by third parties for malicious purposes.

As Professor Gonzalo Azor emphasizes in our information security course , “In a world like the current one, information is very valuable and our information, both personal and that of our company, even more so.”

HTTPS has the function of protecting the integrity and confidentiality of the information that travels on the network, through communication between the server and the client, this is done through various types of security that we will mention below:


Encryption allows, if someone intercepts the data that is browsing the network, not be able to discover what it contains or what it is about.


This other type of HTTPS security refers to the protection and non-alteration of the data so that both the sender and the recipient receive the same information without any type of modification.


This allows knowing that the website is true, in order to provide the user with the security that it is an official page and protect it from phishing attacks.

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Main data that the HTTPS protocol protects

As we mentioned in the previous section, HTTPS is the protocol that is responsible for providing security for the transfer of information, but what type of data does this protocol protect? If you are still not clear on this point, don’t worry!

We have compiled a list of the various types of data that we usually provide the server when we visit various web pages, but before presenting the list, we want to make a brief clarification.

As you know, HTTPS is highly recommended, due to the security and data encryption it offers; however, this does not mean that pages using other protocols such as HTTP are fraudulent or malicious.

They both use the same technology and share similar functions. The difference lies in the security that each one offers, because in the case of HTTPS, it is recognized for ensuring the protection of data and privacy of customers.

Many of the pages that use HTTP are also real and offer quality content; However, they have limited security, so it is always recommended, in order to avoid hacking or theft of relevant information, browsing URLs that use the HTTPS protocol

Now, we will present a small list with the possible data that can be intercepted by third parties for malicious purposes.

  • Names and surnames
  • Address
  • Nationality
  • Cell phone number
  • Email
  • Age
  • Passwords (Accounts on social networks or other platforms)
  • Card data
  • Card movement
  • Family information (Family information)
  • Ideology
  • Religion
  • Consumption data (Tastes or preferences)
  • Political position
  • Health status,etc..

How does the HTTPS protocol work?

Now that you Know what the HTTPS protocol is and what type of information it intends to encrypt, so that it is not manipulated or altered, we will explain in greater detail what its main functions are.

HTTPS’s main function is to prevent information from being easily stolen by third parties that intercept the network. This communication protocol has the possibility of encrypting the data so that it can travel safely from the server to the user.

As it does? Through certificates such as SSL, which are presented by the server, the browser can identify whether certain URLs are authentic or whether they are spoofed pages.

When verifying that it is a trustworthy website, the HTTPS protocol prepares to encrypt the data, with the aim that users who have clicked on the page that has been verified, can navigate it safely .

Purpose of the HTTPS protocol

At this point, it seems that the purpose of HTTPS is clear, it is about providing protection to the information that is transmitted, ensuring the privacy of the clients who interact with the different pages.

For example, imagine that you are looking to buy Christmas gifts for your family and friends. You enter a page to look for different options and evaluate prices. Once you have decided what you want to bring, you add all the items to the cart and go to the payment window, in which you enter all your card details.

Additionally, since you want the purchases to arrive at your home, you hire the delivery service and enter the data referring to your home address, but that’s not all. The page asks you to indicate in what time range to make the delivery and who will be in your home at that time in order to receive the order.

Do you realize all the important information that you are leaving on the network?

Wouldn’t it be dangerous if someone could access all this data? Of course yes. We frequently engage in these behaviors when browsing websites and we are not aware of the danger of leaving all that information in the wrong place.

If these data will reach the hands of people for malicious purposes, then we would be running a great risk, since we could be victims of various scenarios such as fraud, theft, kidnapping, identity theft, etc.

In order to avoid this, the HTTPS protocol was developed, which is capable of encrypting all this information that you insert on the various platforms, so that they cannot be revealed or decrypted by cybercriminals.

For this reason, it is necessary that every time you are going to enter relevant information or interact with a page, you verify that HTTPS appears at the front of its URL .

Advantages of using the HTTPS protocol on your website

If we focus on mentioning the advantages offered by the HTTPS protocol , we certainly cannot stop talking about the protection and security of the information, since it is its main characteristic.

However, this is not the only benefit of using the communication protocol on your site, so, so that you do not overlook any details, we have prepared a short list with some of the advantages that HTTPS gives you.

Next, we present the benefits of the HTTPS protocol on your page:

  • Help get more conversions on your page
  • Offers greater security and confidence to users
  • Does not require additional software installation
  • Site authentication to ensure that data stays the same from when it is sent to when it reaches its destination
  • Improve SEO and increase your website traffic

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