You’ve decided that you need to hire python developers to handle the coding aspect of your project, but you aren’t sure how to go about it or where to start. In this guide, you’ll learn about the types of developers available, how much they should cost, and what kind of agreements to put in place so you don’t run into trouble down the road. We’ll also cover what kind of tools and applications you can use to coordinate with your new team members and make sure you are always on the same page as them.

The problem

Finding and hiring someone capable of coding in Python is hard. Very hard. If you have never hired a developer before, you may be surprised at how time-consuming and difficult it can be to hire quality talent. Let’s take a look at some of the most important steps in making sure your next Python developer.

What makes good developers?

When you hire python developers you’re looking for people with strong problem-solving skills and an eye for detail. It’s important that they can work independently, are able to think logically, and will be responsive when communicating with clients. As well as specific technical skills, look for developers who have good presentation and collaboration skills. If possible, try interviewing potential candidates in person; communication is key to hiring a successful developer.

Finding your developer

You’re at point A. You have an idea for an app, you know how to code, and you want to build it yourself or with a partner. There are many ways of finding developers who can help bring your idea into reality: job boards, coding meetups, or in-person networking. The problem is that these methods take time and don’t always yield immediate results. If you need to start building soon but can’t find someone local, what then?

Negotiating your hire

Do you have any non-negotiable requirements for your new hire? Does your business need their skillset, or do you just need anyone with those skills? What about work culture? Pay particular attention to these things when hiring. If there are certain aspects of an employee’s background that you absolutely cannot live without, it might be best not to hire until they can give you what you need.

How can you make sure you’re getting what you pay for?

Your first step is to make sure you understand what exactly you’re going to be paying for. If your hiring company has its own team of developers, ask about them: are they full-time employees or freelancers? Ask these questions as often as you need to in order to feel confident that you’ll be getting someone competent who can handle your project. Make sure there’s a track record: Does your prospective developer have any previous experience completing projects like yours? Has he or she done other work with companies similar to yours? Make sure you know what kinds of projects he or she has completed before and how much experience he or she has doing it; if possible, try to speak with one or two current clients. You don’t want to end up learning on the job when someone else will be footing most (if not all) of the bill!

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Writing the job ad

When you’re writing your job ad, you need to think like a business. Don’t write it in first person (e.g., We are looking for…), as that can seem informal and unprofessional. Instead, use third person: Our business is looking for… because they tend to sound informal and unprofessional when used in an official context. If you do want to add some personality into your ad by using a second person pronoun (you), make sure that it follows all of the standard rules of grammar, such as conjugating verbs properly; otherwise, you risk sounding careless and unprofessional.

Even before hiring python developers from sites like freelancer, Upwork or Toptal will cost money; what these platforms offer are not free hires but negotiated hires which essentially helps companies through almost every phase of hiring python developers.

Getting applicants

Getting quality applicants for your job postings is just as important as having an effective post, but there are also more components involved. Researching salary ranges and attracting qualified candidates will go a long way toward you getting your dream team. As for what you should be looking for in potential employees, that’s another discussion altogether—let’s focus on finding them first! There are many places you can look for candidates; here are just a few

Testing applicants

If you’re not hiring for an in-house position, conducting interviews by phone or Skype is usually much easier than getting everyone together. There are some downsides though. Candidates who speak English as a second language may have trouble following directions or answering specific questions because they can’t see your facial expressions and body language—you could end up with someone who can handle a coding challenge over the phone but would be uncomfortable giving presentations to clients or bosses in person.

Writing your offer letter

It’s one thing to hire someone, but it’s another thing entirely to make sure they stay on board. The offer letter is one of your first big business-related interactions with your new hire, so you want it to be done well. Ensure that you cover all your bases here by taking care of their financial and non-financial needs—after all, these will be crucial in convincing them that working for you is a good idea. You’ll also want to set realistic expectations about how much help (or lack thereof) you’ll provide as a manager or owner and lay out clear goals for each person on your team. Lastly, don’t forget to actually hire them!

Going through the interview process

Interviewing someone is not easy! The first and most important thing you can do as an interviewer is make sure that your candidate knows why they are being interviewed. This gives them confidence in their abilities and also gives you an opportunity to test their communication skills (which are going to be critical for success on the job). Make sure they know what position they are interviewing for, how it aligns with their professional goals, and how much money you can pay them. Also make sure they know what your expectations are.

Interview checklist and questions list

If you’re looking for a hire python developer, you must ask specific questions about his/her experience and what they’re comfortable with. Use our list of interview questions as a starting point, then tailor them to your project and goals. Don’t be afraid to ask any additional questions that might help you make a more informed decision. For instance, if there’s something you don’t understand or are concerned about, address it specifically and in detail so there are no surprises later on down the road.


By Guest Post Reach

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