companies face heightened competition every day, marked by the globalization of the economy. And it is that, the market, the power and the opinion of the consumers have made these norms become mandatory. Indeed, for all companies worldwide.

In this way, they have been established by the International Organization for Standardization. And they are made up of guidelines that should govern any organization. For this reason, we have decided to tell you in this post what the ISO 9001 standard is and what it is for.

What are ISO 9001 standards?

In this aspect, we will say that they are processes and provisions that are used in organizations.
In this way, the products and services comply with ISO quality standards , requirements established by the governing body.

So far, the International Organization for Standardization has established ISO certification for many types of industries. And any company today, to have the trust of customers and investors, must adapt to these regulations.

What are ISO 9001 standards for?

  • For their part, ISO standards are very useful for improving the quality of industries.
  • Well, they serve as accreditation so that the objectives and products comply with a sustainable and efficient environmental management.
  • In fact, these regulations fulfill the function of unifying the criteria that allow the implementation of international guidelines for all.
  • In this way, they help companies in continuous improvement and serve as a guarantee of confidence in the markets.
  • However, ISO standards are updated from time to time, changing their nomenclatures to 9001 2000, 9001 2008, ISO 14001, 9001 2015.
  • But, do you know how they are carried out in the normal operation of a company?

Advantages of ISO 9001 standards for companies

Now, you should know that companies obtain multiple benefits from the application of these standards.

Therefore, we will review these for you to take into account:

  • They provide enough elements for a company to achieve and maintain high quality levels.
  • They help to satisfy the needs of customers, who are becoming more demanding every day.
  • Reduce production costs, increase productivity levels.
  • Rejections or incidents in the production of products are reduced.
  • They implement constant improvement processes.
  • They allow greater access to large clients and international markets.
  • They facilitate the identification of possible risks at work.
  • They solve errors that can cause accidents at work.
  • Working conditions improve every day.
  • Costs related to employee sick time are reduced.
  • Demonstrate conformity to customers and suppliers.

What is the ISO 9001 Quality Management System?

Next, we want you to know one of the most important pieces of the puzzle of ISO 9001 standards. Specifically, we are talking about the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Well, this constitutes the grouping of policies and procedures through which the provision of a product or service will be carried out. Of course, everything arranged so that said product or service has the necessary quality to satisfy the needs of customers.

  • Thus, an entity must meet a series of requirements for it to make sense to implement this system.
  • In the first place, the organization has to show that the products or services it provides really satisfy the expectations of the clients.
  • At this point, we contemplate the legality in this regard.
  • On the other hand, it must try to increase in any case this satisfaction that we are talking about, always within the legal framework and in accordance with the user.
  • Finally, do not lose sight of the fact that the ISO 9001 standard is based on the ISO 9000 standard, which sets the quality management standards.
  • Therefore, it is important that you know that the nomenclature of the terms will be common.
  • And so, you will have to know the ISO 9000 standard to fully understand the ISO 9001 standard.
  • In addition, the rest of the ISO standards complement the information contained in the aforementioned, expanding it and making it applicable to different aspects.


So, if you have come this far, it is because you are interested in this topic and want to specialize through a quality training program. For this reason, all are offer you the University Certification Course in Quality Management ISO 9001:2015 (University Degree).

Well, it provides the knowledge related to ISO 9001 standards , as well as the implementation of a QMS under ISO 90001: 2015. On the one hand, you will study the fundamental aspects related to the concept of quality.
From its historical development, to its role in organizations.

Who is the ISO 9001:

In general, this course is aimed at environmental technical professionals , consultants and Human Resources personnel. Although it does not leave behind those entrepreneurs who wish to expand their knowledge in the area.

And, of course, those who want to implement ISO 90001 standards in their company. Well, this course offers a wide variety of job opportunities in the Environment, Quality Departments, Human Resources, Occupational Risk Prevention, among others.

Also Read: ISO full form and ISO Certification Process, Benefits

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