Are developers struggling to read your code? Are you looking for solutions to develop cleaner and readable code? Yeah? you have landed at the right blog page. Code maintenance is important because it affects functionality and performance of the application.

To solve this problem, implement best angular practices. Are you familiar with angular best practices? Naah? Don’t worry! This blog will read all the best angular best practices that an angular developer must adopt.

Make Use Of Angular CLI

Angular CLI is an open-source package that helps developers create Angular applications and services and deploy them to the web. It includes a command-line interface to help developers create Angular apps quickly, with just one command. It’s a great tool for Angular developers who don’t want to write code or use their own ORM.

You can also find out about the different ways you can use Angular CLI to create your apps from the official documentation. It is used in the application building process mainly. That way, we can just focus on writing the code and not on dealing with the deployment Angular CLI is a tool that helps you build Angular applications. It’s also helpful if you have a large codebase or if there are lots of small modifications to your existing code. base

Executing commands on the command line can be a bit tedious if you’re just starting with Angular CLI. But as long as you keep in mind the four basic commands to execute the task:

  • Install Angular CLI with the use of NPM – npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Create components, routes, services, and pipes – ng create
  • To test angular apps – ng serve
  • To create a code shine – ng lint.
  • To set up an Angular service worker – ng add @angular/PWA

Maintain a Clean & Simple Folder Structure

Every project has different needs and requirements. It is important to maintain proper folder structure in your projects to make finding them easier. The main idea behind folder structure is to organize your files to make it easier for you to find them. If you have a large chunk of files, it will be troublesome for you to find what you need. By using proper folder structure, you can easily find things like “CSS” or “js” files used by your project and make sure that they are organized accordingly.

Moreover, one thing you need to take is, creating a single and separate folder for each project. If your project depends on each other then maintaining code is tricky. This can often lead to duplicate files, which is not good at all, and this goes in favour of a “clean” development environment. Following the sample of the ideal folder structure that you should follow:

— app

|– modules

|– home

|– [+] components

|– [+] pages

|– home-routing.module.ts

|– home.module.ts

|– core

|– [+] authentication

|– [+] footer

|– [+] guards

|– [+] HTTP

|– [+] interceptors

|– [+] mocks

|– [+] services

|– [+] header

|– core.module.ts

|– ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts

|– logger.service.ts


|– shared

|– [+] components

|– [+] directives

|– [+] pipes

|– [+] models


|– [+] configs

|– assets

|– scss

|– [+] partials

|– _base.scss

|– styles.scss

Leverage Lazy Loading Components

“Lazy loading” is a technique for web development that allows the browser to load content only when needed. The less your code is loaded before the user requested the page, the faster your code loads. Most front-end tools allow you to choose lazy loading components.

The main benefit of lazy loading is that new scripts can be downloaded at the time and not before. The same goes for images and CSS stylesheets. Since CSS files are big, you need to download them first.

The downside of lazy loading is that the browser has to download all these files. But if you have many images on your website, you can reduce the download time of images with a combination of caching and HTTP compression.

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Code of modules without lazy loading

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;

import { Home } from ‘./home.component’;

// app.routing.ts


path: ‘home’,

component: Home


Code of modules with lazy loading

// app.routing.ts


path: ‘about’,

loadChildren: ‘about.module#AboutModule’


// about.module.ts

import { AboutComponent } from ‘./about.component’;


imports: [



path: ”,

component: AboutComponent




declarations: [




export class AboutModule { }

Strip Down Large Components Into Smaller Ones

Angular is a favorable framework for building web applications. It provides a modular approach to developing web applications. This means that you can break your application into smaller components and then re-use them in different parts of your application.

A common problem in Angular is that breaking large components into small reusable ones is difficult. You have to use the Angular CLI or IDE because you cannot use the Angular CLI by default. Sometimes, breaking large components into small reusable ones leads to code duplication. This is not good for the maintainability and performance of your application and security issues if you are using public APIs from third-party libraries.

Adhere To Consistent Coding Practices

Following are the angular coding practices to adopt to ensure your angular project conforms to the right coding standards.

  • Restrict your files to 400 lines of code
  • Develop short functions not more than 75 lines of code
  • Use type.ts for pattern feature
  • If variables aren’t changing, declare it constant
  • Separate terms with dashes in a descriptive name
  • Separate descriptive name with dots in the type
  • Write property and method name in lowercase always
  • Leave an empty between imports and module
  • Avoid naming interfaces starting with ‘I.’

Employ Central State Management

State management can be managed until the size of the project is restricted. In large scale projects. the same process becomes trickier. In a project, there will be several components with local states, and its developer’s responsibility is to maintain uninterrupted communication among them.

Hence, it is best to follow central state management. It means keeping all the states of the components in one place. Here, there is no need of dividing it into small components. With this state management technique, communication between components becomes smooth.

Advantages of state management

  • Data transfer becomes easier
  • Debugging takes less time
  • No more need to search component tree
  • The issue of communication among components gets resolved if an application has a centralized state
  • Centralized state management becomes easy with Redux and Ngrx

Wrap Up

So there are the angular best practices that you should implement while developing Angular applications. Adopting these best practices in your codes will free your application from clutter, and the development process will become smoother. And also enhance the performance, readability and understandability of the code.

If you are looking for a dedicated angular developer to develop your angular application using angular best practices, hire angular developers from EnProwess without further ado. Our angular developers are skilled and experienced enough to fulfil your most complex requirement within stipulated time.

Author Bio: I, Bhavik Trivedi, VP at EnProwess – a leading Software development company that provides offshore developers at a reasonable price. I am passionate about learning and teaching technology-related stuff and how to build profitable tech businesses. I love to talk about technology and the future of the world. I always welcome the opportunity to share my knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm for all things tech!

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